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National FFA Week: 2/20-2/24



National FFA Week

Tuesday February 20th 

Decade Day

Wear your favorite clothes inspired or from your favorite decade between the  1800s-2000s to show evolution of apparel through the years.

Elementary School Visit- Officers only from 9am-10am


Wednesday February 21st

 Career Day/Teacher Appreciation Breakfast

 Wear your dream job’s official uniform/apparel.

Teacher Appreciation Breakfast from 7am-7:30am- all teachers welcome! We will have pancakes, fresh fruit, orange juice, and coffee.

Any member interested in helping please arrive to school by 6:45 am and report to the agriculture room to help. 


Thursday February 22nd

 Commodity Day

 Wear a costume that related to an agricultural product or animal.

Friday February 23rd

 Blue and Gold Day/Dodgeball Day

 Wear blue and gold to show your FFA spirit.

At the end of the day we will have a dodgeball tournament from 1:00 to 2:15 pm, There will be 12 teams of 6 players on each team, player sign ups on Feb 15th-16th. Prizes will be given to the top team! Cost is $6 per team and up to 6 members on a team. Sign up in Ms. Compton’s room before Friday!

Saturday February 24

New Boston Tractor Supply Grants for Growing Fundraiser

Join us at the New Boston TSC (4000 Rhodes Ave, New Boston OH) from 12pm-4pm ! Every year the Tractor Supply donates thousands of dollars to help FFA Chapters across the country with their projects! Any member interested in helping please sign up in Ms. Compton’s room.